Sunday, 20 September 2009

Busy Weekend

P1000617Friday night was dinner with Liz and the new series of peep show. We had a lovely aubergine, tomato feta and lentil tart she’d made – inspired by a Higgidy Pie, along with a salad of quinoa and spinach. For pud we had a gooey rich and lovely M&S chocolate profiterole mousse dessert… yum! 

P1000621 Whilst there I had other treats to collect – my new animal cookie cutters from ikea, some ikea pickles, and some really tasty cream cheese with pickles in, that liz had bought me from ollie’s – the amazing 24 hour turkish supermarket near her house.

P1000618Saturday was painting day – our house is mostly decorated in dull sludgy colours, which we were all a bit fed up with, so we decidedP1000627 to repaint – we now have a lovely  bright yellow kitchen, and a nice fresh P1000635clean green lounge. It all feels so mP1000631uch warmer and more inviting now! (the before and after shots are  just of the kitchen, I haven’t taken a photo of the finished lounge yet.


To relax from our day’s hard work, we had a few friends round in the evening for a poker night. I didn’t win, unsurprisingly, but it was a lot of fun, and we went out to a local bar/club after for a bit, which was good – it was nice to spend some time hanging out with Helen – she definitely fits in well in the house!

P1000632 Sunday was a more relaxing day. After lunch I went for a swim – it’s not something I’m very good at so I want to try and improve a bit. I went to Sainsbury’s for groceries,P1000633 then came home and made cookies with my new cutters – lots of hedgehogs, squirrels, snails, foxes, bears, and my obvious favourite – a moose!P1000634

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