Sunday 23 August 2009

the end of a long but lovely weekend

I packed myself a nice little lunchbox to eat on the train, with salad, leftover roast chicken, and lots of crinkle cut Ikea gherkins - one of the tastiest things in the world! It was a fairly average and boring journey home, but I did at least get plenty of reading done - I'm about halfway through Kafka on the Shore and am really enjoying it - so far all of the Murakami books I've read have been good.

I got back to Clapham at about 10:30, and am curled up in bed with my new copy of Zest magazine and a night time snack, but I imagine I'll fall asleep fairly quickly!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are home safely! Thanks for your help this weekend [even if I do 'flap' on a Sunday morning!!!]
